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Jul 3, 2023

What to Look for When Choosing an Immersion Blender

These days, immersions blenders come in a variety of sizes, colors, materials, and other characteristics that can make choosing one a bit overwhelming. The best immersion blender for you is not necessarily the largest or most expensive one, but rather the one that meets the needs of your household.

A few things to consider include how much usage your unit will see, how much space you have in your kitchen and what kind of recipes you're looking to prepare. To help you make your decision, let’s elaborate on each of these:


Consider how powerful of a unit you need. What kind of items will you be blending? What kind of speed control are you looking for, buttons, knobs or something else?


It’s important to consider the material the blades are constructed from, and how easy it is to change them, since these tend to wear down with use and may need to be replaced down the line.


How many people do you cook for on a regular basis? Will the unit be able to handle daily use as well as special occasions, which can be more demanding?

For these reasons and more, we believe that the Royal Prestige® Power Blender Go is the ideal choice for all occasions. With a 13,500 RPM motor, you can blend directly in your bowls or saucepans, while also taking care of them.

Contact a distributor today and choose the best option for your needs.